Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Weight Loss Journey......

         As much people can relate......I have been on this wonderful journey called weight loss since I became a adult. The easy days of eating fast food every day and junk food for breakfast were gone!! Then when I started having kids getting the weight off became a challenge that I was always struggling to beat.  I had the three boys pretty much back to back. Tyler was born when Zach was 2.5 and then 16 months later Cody was born. I had pretty much just decided that I was not going to be a thin girl and just accepted it!

        When Cody was about 2 I decided that I wanted to become a surrogate mom ( save that adventure for another post  :)) I had a set of twin girls and I had actually lost a little weight after they were born and thought hmm...... maybe it is possible to lose more and actually be happy with how I look. Shortly after they were born I decided to do a 2nd surrogacy and had another little girl. After she was born I decided that I was really going to make the attempt to lose weight and joined Weight Watchers. I LOVED it!! I had found something that totally worked and ended up losing about 30 lbs and was at my lowest weight that I could remember. 151 lbs and a size 8. I decided after I lost all that weight that I was going to take the surrogate journey one more time and I had twin boys. After they were born I hit weight watchers again and got down to about 161 and then got lazy. I wasn't completely unhappy with myself but I did not have the drive to get much further. Year passed and slowly my weight crept back up to 175. I was starting to feel that insecure down feeling again but I just could not find the drive to take that adventure again. Life was just crazy and kept making the excuse that I didn't have time to really focus on it.

        After a few years of just "settling" on how I look and a lot of changes in my life I have finally found that drive and motivation that I need........( especially thanks to a few blogs that I have come across in the last few months ) I am on this weight loss journey....AKA change of lifestyle!! The jump start for me was the day I walked into my gym and they were starting a 10 week weight loss/ biggest loser challenge. I immediately signed up and hit it full force!! I made a goal for myself... I want to be 135!!! Don't ever remember being that low. But with the right mind set I know that I can do it!!

      Challenge started February 15th ( day after Valentines day for one last splurge)Thursdays are weigh in day. First weight in was at the gym and I weighed in at 174.6. I HATE weighing in at night! I am one of those girls that has to strip down to nothing on my scale in first thing in the morning ( I know I am not the only one!!!) Lucky for me, after that initial weigh in they will allow us to weigh in on our scale and send her a picture with my cell :)) That makes me a happy girl!! So 6 weeks into the challenge this was my weigh in this  morning........was hoping to have more weight loss by this point but at least its something and I am determined to meet my goal of 135!! I'll get there!!

Sorry for the crappy cell phone no light 4:15am picture!!
                                                            9 lbs lost at this point. YEA!!



  1. You rock girl!!!

    As far as getting followers goes, COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT on other blogs... they'll follow you back eventually! :)

    1. Thank you again so much for being such a big motivator!!! I will definately take your advise!!
